Released 12.3.21
50 lathe-cut, hand-numbered copies
25 released 12.3.21
25 released coming soon
Black and clear vinyl
Hand-made labels signed by Merikukka with her pink bingo marker
Numbers 1-9 and 11-13 available only as part of a package with the first edition of the novel
Should we Meet at the Crossroads, Keep Walking by The Perambulator (Hesterglock Press, 12.3.21)
Numbers 14-25 available alone
(the designer nabbed number 10)
Scroll down for prices including postage

The single is priced at 20€
The novel is priced at 17€
Below is a full list of prices including postage
Finnish postage prices are absolute murder – there is no extra air in these costs
Post between Finland and the UK at least has been very slow in these Covid times so I would probably recommend tracking despite the extra cost. Please state your preferred method when you make your order.
order via flycatchermail@gmail.com
BOOK + SINGLE (including p&p)
FINLAND with tracking – 54€
EUROPE economy 50€
EUROPE economy with tracking 63€
EUROPE priority 54€
EUROPE priority with tracking 67€
REST OF THE WORLD economy 55€
REST OF THE WORLD economy with tracking 68€
REST OF THE WORLD priority 73€
REST OF THE WORLD priority with tracking 85€
FINLAND – 23,50€
FINLAND with tracking – 33,50€
EUROPE priority 26€
EUROPE priority with tracking 39€
REST OF THE WORLD economy 27€
REST OF THE WORLD economy with tracking 40€
REST OF THE WORLD priority 33€
REST OF THE WORLD priority with tracking 46€
Hopefully I won’t miss out on this release when you announce details. Sods law I’ll be at work without my phone for at least 4 hours when you do!!
it’s live now