Released 31 May 2019, the day that Roky Erickson died
17 lathe-cut numbered copies
Each copy includes a lyric sheet and an original polaroid photo of Kuutti Lavonen shot by Kevin Pollard
Cover by Kevin Pollard shot at dawn on the Radio Lemuria Helsinki Stone Circle Drive on 13 May 2018 (ACT 7)
On this record:
Joe Cosgrove, Markku Essel, Mike Lennie, Don McCracken, The Perambulator, Leonid Paukku, Kevin Pollard and Milena Solomun.
Electric butter churn built by Steve Maher
Thanks to Jarmo Valtanen
Joe, Mike and Markku recording Perambulation at Temporary, Kolmas Linja, Kallio 17 October 2017
Jarmo on the left, Leonid on the right recording Slip Inside this House at a condemned hut in Rastila Campsite in October 2017
Donny, Milena, Markku, Mike and Kevin recording May the Circle Remain Unbroken at Temporary, 18 May 2018. Kevin also found himself om the recording.